OneLogin translates our end-user experience into 25 different languages: English, Spanish, Danish, Italian, French, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese, German, Korean, Malay, Polish, Russian, Chinese (Taiwan), Turkish, Vietnamese, Hindi, Thai, Czech, Slovakian, Hungarian, Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish.

Whether you are a global enterprise with regional offices around the world, or have partners and contractors working offshore that require localized user interfaces, OneLogin provides you the flexibility to fulfill these requirements and deliver a better experience.

With every update, our customers continue to experience a consistent localized interface. By utilizing a programmatic integration with a localization provider, we can dynamically provide translations for end-user strings into 25 different languages whenever we launch new features or make adjustments to existing product copy.

What this means for you is that language isn’t a barrier when expanding your identity solution into new regions. Simply choose which languages you want to make available to your users and OneLogin will automatically match the portal’s language to the user’s browser settings. With so many other other considerations, from regulatory to logistical, we’re happy to take one off your list.